A great success

Dear Members, Family and Friends,

Anzac Day 2010 went well with 21 marching with the association followed by the HMAS Yarra crew.

The HMAS Yarra crew was greatly appreciated and we thank them for marching with us.

Afterwards the crew joined us at the Strand Hotel where we enjoyed a beer and lunch for $5.

Photos for our web gallery
It should be noted that we are still looking for photos for the website. Please scan them and name them as follows: "yarra" then 1,2,3, or 4 - then the year or close to - then a brief description. For example:
"yarra3 1982 in the China Sea"or "yarra3 1975 Bommer Brown firing 50 Cal".They can be sent to me and after vetting, I'll have them put up on the website.

HMAS Yarra Association

HMAS Yarra Hunt and Strike

This website is dedicated to those who have served on HMAS Yarra and to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice - those who gave their lives whilst serving on HMAS Yarra.

The first HMAS Yarra was a foundation Ship of the Royal Australian Navy and set the standard for those that followed. To date four(4) Ships of the Royal Australian Navy have been named HMAS Yarra.

The first HMAS Yarra was launched in 1910 with the current Ship in Service being the fourth to bear the name.

The HMAS Yarra Association would like to see this website as being a memory of the impact she had upon us not only as a Ship or what she stood for but also the; comradeship, the good times with the not sogood times, the hard work put into keeping her operational and fulfilling our obligations above and beyond that with was asked and expected of her and her crew.